Thursday, October 26, 2006

Why Your Senior Vote is Important

Why Your Senior Vote is Important: "Every study and discussion of the effects your “enlarged” generation has had upon the American and world scene, zeros in on the very measurable effects of such a huge population. The effects of a sudden swelling of numbers of persons within an age group upon the various segments of society as the “pig” passes through the normal stages of life was a previously unknown phenomenon.

Now your generation is doing it again as you move into your retirement years. The mature vote has never been as impotant before this as it is going to be over the next twenty to thirty years."...(Click title link to see the entire article.)...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What Am I Gonna’ Do?

What Am I Gonna’ Do?: "This oft heard lament suddenly strikes different folks at different moments around the time of their retirement. It is as if for the first time they finally really confront the stark reality that they suddenly are going to have a lot of time on their hands. They don’t have to get up early. They have no place to go. In untold instances they have nothing worthwhile they want to do with their lives."...(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Early Retirement ? What I Did. What I Am Doing Now

Early Retirement ? What I Did. What I Am Doing Now: "I’m told that on the average a person works until they are sixty-five, collects one Social Security check, and passes away.

I don’t care much for those odds. I didn’t then, and I don’t now. I retired when I was 52 years of age. That was in 1992. The decision was not easy. It was one that my wife left up to me, if I could show her in black and white that it could work financially. That was a very real incentive to sharpen the pencil carefully."...(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Oaks From Acorns Grow: Retirement Planning

Oaks From Acorns Grow: Retirement Planning: "Today, for most people, Social Security is their bottom line. This is their default retirement plan.

It is a faulty plan. These individuals will one day unpleasantly awaken to the fact that Social Security skates very close to the bottom of the economic scale. It may keep you from starving, but that is about all it will do for you. "...(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Friday, October 13, 2006

My Grandchild’s Future, and What About The Elephant Herd in Our National Living Room?

My Grandchild’s Future, and What About The Elephant Herd in Our National Living Room?: "The official bulleted happy talking points dance down the page suggesting that in the US economy all is wonderful. The concert of the financial pundits is an all too familiar croak of pond frogs, and similar to whistling while walking through the cemetery at night. That is why a super majority of Americans feel like they are teetering on unstable ground before the rising winds of the gathering storm. Perhaps it is the trampling, trumpeting herd of elephants in our national living room that is causing the added disquiet?...(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Airline Travel Today

Airline Travel Today: "This is a new subject of discussion at our home. Perhaps it is at yours, as well? When I’ve discussed it with friends and acquaintances, I get varying ideas. Mostly the complaints are not about having to remove one’s shoes, put carry-on luggage through an x-ray machine, or to walk through a detector, or being wanded, or even patted down. "...(Click title link to see the entire article.)...

Aloha Friends and Prospective Writers

Aloha Friends and Prospective Writers: "In an article directory, essentially you put forth copyrighted free standing samples of your work. This could be a first chapter, a segment of a story, that you choose. It is an especially valuable way to reinstate material languishing in the closet, unseen, and lost forever. Unless you free it and edit it for the world to see. The important part is that each article must stand alone, and by itself. You can upload a series, if the parts are clearly labeled: Part 1, Part 2, etc. Your article becomes part of the public domain available for anyone to use as long as they give you copyright credit and linked attributions....(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Retirement: A DIY Special Event

Retirement: A DIY Special Event: "A better way to phrase the question is, what do you want to live for? Because if you don’t have a reason to live, you will soon die. Buck up, Bucky, or get ready to shuffle off the mortal coil. Straighten your priorities: you don’t live to work. You work to live. And if you don’t need to work, live better. From day one of retirement, I’ve never understood how I ever found time to work for a living."...(Click title link to see entire article.)...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stream of Consciousness Writing

Stream of Consciousness Writing: "I’ve been asked what I mean by a stream of consciousness writing. I mean awareness. I mean what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling? What are you thinking?

By way of an example look below:

The stream of consciousness - eyes closed listening sensory awareness 9.21.06 2:30 PM. Sitting in the Home Depot® parking lot in Hilo, Hawaii. "...(Click title link to see entire article.)...